Our House System

Working hand-in-hand with our curriculum intent, our house system develops the children of Lantern Lane both as individuals and team players. They can build up points for their house both on a daily basis and through dedicated events by demonstrating the C.A.R.E values we promote as a school (please see Intent Statement).
The house system promotes a commitment to continued hard work and celebrates achievement in all its many forms. It encourages our children to welcome everyone and celebrate all they have to offer - through providing opportunities to work alongside children from all year groups across the school.
The community spirit generated promotes enthusiasm for all aspects of school life whilst the varied house events create opportunities for the children to develop the wider skills needed to enjoy life and learning.
Through healthy and respectful competition between house teams, our children are prepared to thrive in the future regardless of challenge and to face setbacks with resilience. Our children benefit from the camaraderie that comes with being part of a team; this nurtures a healthy mind, grows confidence and develops well-rounded individuals.
Each year, we elect house captains and vice house captains, giving our oldest children
the chance to take on whole school responsibilities whilst allowing all our learners to
experience for themselves the value of democracy.
Our houses are named after local inspirational people from the past (designed to
engage our pupils in our local heritage) :
John Bley (1674-1731): Founder of the first free school in East Leake.
The Mills family (1830s onwards): Owners of a large basket-weaving business in the village.
The De Ferrers family (1038 onwards): Land-owners recorded in the Domesday Book, who gave East Leake the three horseshoe symbol that still today serves as the village insignia.
Alexander Roulstone (1890-1965): WW1 RAF Flight Lieutenant and later director of the Marblaegis mine, which was bought by British Gypsum in 1944.
Daily, children can earn ’House Points' by following our C.A.R.E. values, including trying hard in class; producing high quality work; being polite and courteous; helping and supporting each other; being punctual, and by setting a good example in all that they do. These are tallied each week and the weekly winner is revealed during assembly time. The house that wins the most weeks each term gets a privilege day in the last week of term. At the end of the year, the house with the highest number of points gained throughout the year will have a 'Special Day'.
Over the course of the school year, we hold a variety of house events,
sometimes competitive and sometimes not. In recent years, these have
included Christmas tree decorating, singing competitions, sports events and
a recycling fashion show. We invite impartial judges from our local community
to come into Lantern Lane and join in the fun. Judges have included staff and
pupils from East Leake Academy, from the Defence and National Rehabilitation
Centre as well as governors and residents from local care homes.