Badgers (F2)

The Foundation 2 children are known, at Lantern Lane, as the ‘Badgers’. There are currently two Foundation 2 classes.
Children in our Foundation Unit are working towards the Early Learning Goals, which summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the reception year.
These are linked to the seven areas of learning (see below).
The prime areas are focused on the experiences and skills needed to form relationships, ignite curiosity and develop an enthusiasm for learning, allowing the children to thrive both at school and beyond. These prime areas of development are continually strengthened and applied through each of the specific areas.
To find out more details about the F2 (Reception) curriculum click here
Further information about starting school at Lantern Lane can be found here
Visits to school before applying for a reception place are warmly welcomed.
Please contact the school office on 01509 820112 or email: office@lanternlane.notts.sch.uk to book a visit.